Oakville Business Marketing

Oakville's growing local business directory: Oakville Business.com

Have a website, but want more visitors and traffic locally?

Start with a local Oakville Directory listing here on OakvilleBusiness and increase awareness of your Oakville based service or business.


Local Oakville Business? Get listed in the Oakville Business Directory so your potential customers can find you!

This is the single most cost effective way of getting your name out to people who are searching for your products and services locally in Oakville, Ontario.

Get your business noticed above others by including a phone number with your listing!

Advertise on OakvilleBusiness

Get listed on Oakville Business Get an annual business listing for only $37 for the year, send insertion request by email to info@oakvillebusiness.com.

Basic Listing

Annual listing includes business Name, Phone Number and Street Address.

There is no faster way to get the word out locally about your business than internet promotion. Some of our categories rank highly in the search engines and offer another way for people in our community to find your business.

Contact us for further information.

*we reserve the right to accept or reject any listing request. The appropriateness of a given listing will also be evaluated based upon the availability of an appropriate category, the quality of the information or business and the overall appropriateness of inclusion in the OakvilleBusiness.com directory.

Address for Mailing Cheques:

Oakville Business
200 N. Service Road #211
Oakville Ontario L6M 2Y1 Canada

**Annual lsting fee of $37 for basic annual listing includes company name, telephone number and street address. Listing policies may change at any time and without notice. Contact us by email with any questions at: info@oakvillebusiness.com.